Pat Kelly Responds to CRA’s Decision to Tax Retail Employees on their Discounts

One might not have thought it possible, but the Liberals have found a new way to nickel and dime Canadian taxpayers to fund their out of control spending. A CRA official confirmed via an email to the Globe and Mail that they will start taxing employee discounts. This new tax will hurt some of the …

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Opposition to Proposed Liberal Tax Increases

Further to the Department of Finance’s consultations on the proposed tax changes, Shadow Minister for National Revenue MP Pat Kelly’s report contains submissions from constituents as well as stakeholders from Manitoba, Nova Scotia, and Calgary.

Feedback Regarding Proposed Tax Changes

Since the announcement on July 18, 2017, many people have contacted me regarding the Liberal Government’s proposal to raise taxes through changes to the taxation of Canadian Controlled Private Corporations. I have received hundreds of messages from small business owners who are concerned about their investments, their succession plans, their potentially reduced incomes, and in …

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