Everyone in our community has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and many face continuing hardship and loss. The health and safety of our friends, family, and vulnerable members of our community has been a constant concern, along with thanks for the extraordinary efforts of health care providers, emergency services personnel, and essential services workers.
Members of Parliament have a responsibility to their constituents to raise their concerns directly to the government, to question the government’s conduct, and to authorize the government’s expenditures. The only way to do this is through continued sittings of Parliament. During the crisis, we proved that Parliament can hold effective sittings while respecting current health guidelines, and that better laws are made when the opposition’s voice is heard. It is critical that democratic institutions continue to function during times of crisis.
My Conservative Caucus colleagues and I have worked hard to help all Canadians get the support they need, as quickly as possible. We put forward many constructive solutions to improve the government’s initial responses to the pandemic. Some of our suggestions were adopted, others we will continue to raise.
When I am not able to participate directly in Parliamentary sittings or committees, I am in contact with my colleagues, sharing concerns I receive from residents of Calgary Rocky Ridge so that they can be part of our response to the government’s actions.
During the crisis, I have received hundreds of emails and phone calls from constituents. Some people helped identify specific gaps in the government’s aid measures, others provided valuable insight into the challenges created by this crisis. Your feedback helps me contribute to the Conservative response, to hold the Government to account, and to constructively propose alternate policies. Thank you to everyone who took the time to call or email me.